Monday, January 5, 2009

There's Nothing Quite Like a 3 Year Old

I'm telling you, there is nothing quite as entertaining as a preschooler!  Elijah has been cracking me up lately.  Every day he says something that I should write down, but don't.  The last couple of days I have remembered to write some things down.  

Yesterday we were taking a walk to the park and Elijah said “You know what Aria-ranah telled me?  She telled me she wants a baby brother just like she’s a baby.  She telled me that last night.”  Hmmm… comments like that always make me wonder, though.  Does he know something I don’t know?

Today, he brought a little cardboard bee model to Rebekah.  She was going to help him put it together.  He had already punched out the pieces.  He handed it to her and said, “Here, Rebekah, I can’t do the deck-sa-rations.”

A couple weeks ago he was laying on the bed looking at my ceiling fan and said “I was a fan when I was a baby.” 

You just never know what's going to come out of that boy's mouth.  But I'm always curious to see what comes next.



  1. Missi, I remember him being a fan.

  2. He is as sweet as he looks in this picture!

    Serenity and I are laughing - practically to the point of peeing our pants - at Amy's comment! :)
