Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Two Pink Lines

It's been an exciting week. Here are some excerpts from my journal for the last week:

June 28, 2010

Out of the blue in the middle of the day today, my feet started burning like they do when I’m pregnant. I thought that was really odd. I wasn't late, but I took a pregnancy test, anyway. At first there was no second pink line, and I didn't think anything of it. But, as I waited longer, I thought maybe there was possibly the faintest possible, maybe almost imaginary pink line. This was the middle of the day when I wasn’t even late and I was doing a watermelon juice fast, so a negative response would not have been the least bit surprising.

So, not only was I not “sure”, but I had no one to tell. Jim left for Israel yesterday and the big girls left for camp yesterday L

Quite honestly, I was thinking I was done having babies. After all, I am 45 years old and this is the longest spacing (except for once back when we really tried to prevent pregnancy ;) between pregnancies. Being "done" didn't bother me. I was just beginning to contemplate getting rid of the baby stuff.

And, I'll admit, I’m a little apprehensive. I believe I know of more people who have miscarried at 45 than people that have carried to term at that age.

And then there’s the weight loss. I just hit the 40 pound weight loss mark. I’ve been working on that since the beginning of the year. Alas, pregnancy brings and end to weight loss for now. I am glad I lost weight before I got pregnant, though. I can continue to eat the way I have been eating, with a little adjustment for pregnancy and work out 6 days a week like I have been. That way I’ll be a step ahead in getting in shape after baby is born.

June 29, 2010

Time for test number two. This time I took it early in the morning and there was a pretty definite line. Light, but definitely there. And still, no one to tell.

June 30, 2010

I took another test. Gotta be sure, right? Absolutely a second line. And, all week, I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell Jim – just the logistics of getting the news to him in Israel. I could call, but it’s very expensive. I could wait til he get’s home, but I don’t honestly think I could wait that long. The next best option is texting him. After all, I’ve never texted him the results of a pregnancy test before J

So, I texted him a picture of the pregnancy test with the caption "two pink lines" and his response was, "See I go to serve Yahwey in Israel and the blessings come in right away. LOL" Have I mentioned I love that man? :)

July 1, 2010

The girls got home tonight, but between alternate showers and talking to friends on the phone, I didn’t get a chance to tell them.

July 3, 2010

I finally told the girls this morning. They were so happy. I thought Rebekah was going to explode! We all agreed that Justin would find out by facebook because he’s a big stinker and would not be a happy camper. So, for timing purposes, the girls had to keep it a secret for a few hours, too.

Due date March 5, 2011. Rebekah says I might as well just say mid-March. She’s so right.

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