Saturday, June 27, 2009

Side of Beef

We ordered a side of beef from a guy we have ordered from before. He runs his cattle in the canyons near our house. So, being homeschoolers, we decide that it's not good enough just to order a side and have him deliver the final product. We have to be there every step of the way :) Field trip!

We went to the ranch along with friends of ours that are ordering the other "side of beef". The beef guy had corralled a batch of cattle, so we could choose one.

We spent some time checking out the cows (Bulls? Steers? I don't know. I'll just use the generic term "cows".) He told us what to look for in choosing a cow to slaughter.

We chose this chubby cow.

And then I had to get pictures of Arianah in her sweet new sundress, just because she looked so cute.

Jim also asked if we could keep the hide. Lessons in tanning :) So, he and some of the kids will be going back when the time comes to slaughter the cow. We dream of someday owning some land and having a farm. So, we have to take advantage of every learning opportunity we have in this city life.

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