Saturday, April 11, 2009


Finally!  The day we have been looking forward to. It's Passover!  (Well, it was on Thursday, anyway.) We prepared all morning - cleaning and cooking.  We didn't get pictures of most of the preparations because we were all too busy.  Jessikah made the bread that we use for the Passover service.  We make bread without the yeast instead of using store bought matzah.  She made a challah recipe without yeast.  She even braided some of the little loaves.  They were so cute.

Arianah had a new dress on, so we had to take a picture of her.

This is the table set up for the service.  We usally have the menorah and shofars on that table.  We added the bread (under the blue cover), wine and the lamb ready to be sacrificed.

Jim is telling the story of how they chose the lamb and prepared it for the Passover sacrifice.  The kids ar every interested, as usual.

Jim has some incredible special effects as he sacrifices the lamb.  

Arianah is ready to have her feet washed during the footwashing portion of the service.

The problem is, after she had her feet washed, she wanted to put her feet in everyone else's footwashing bin.  But, we managed, nonetheless.

Lucas and Elijah are very proud that their water is actually dirty after they washed each other's feet.

Then we start the dancing and rejoicing.  Thankful to Yeshua for His sacrifice for us.

The little guys set their own dinner table.

And the big kids set the big people's table with our most special dishes and flatware.  Special dishes for a special occasion.

After the food came out the pictures stopped.  We were all busy enjoying food and fellowship.

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