Monday, April 6, 2009

Plague 7 - Hail

We used to do the plague of hail with ice.  I would just have a bunch of ice on the back patio when the kids woke up in the morning.  But that wasn't very interesting or exciting.  So, we changed tactics.  Last year I had a bunch of bouncy balls and I bounced them outside and told the kids to try to avoid them ... but that was too easy.  So, this year, we stayed inside and I took a bowl full of balls (the white plastic ones that are full of holes) and threw the balls against the ceiling over the kids' heads.  Then they were all trying to get hit.  As you can see by the pictures, they had lots of fun with this technique.

I misjudged on this one and ended up getting myself with the hail.

Another action shot.

This one is right before the hail hits them.

And having fun after.

We still haven't figured out how to add in the fire with the hail (Exodus 9:13-35).  Maybe next year :)

1 comment:

  1. I like the balls falling from the ceiling. It looks like the kids really had fun! Could you possibly hand one of those pet net things designed for holding stuffed animals from the ceiling and fill it with pingpong balls and then release a corner of it for them to fall from the ceiling? You could possibly configure something similar to the ceiling and the edge of closed doors, then when the door is opened the balls would fall from the sky. Just a thought. Could you add bits of red tissue paper in with the balls to represent the fire? Or intersperce red bouncy balls with the white balls?
